Not really sure where to start? feels like a lifetime since I have sat at a computer, has been one crazy, scary and mad time since leaving Rome. Ended up taking us 4 days to get to Pompei, a day of getting lost getting out of Rome, done that before!! getting caught in the biggest downpour and flooding I think Italy has ever seen, not alot of fun in a tent and then biking on a road where the water is so deep every peddle your virtually mid calf deep in water getting sprayed by passing vehicles aswell as avoiding the idiot Italian wanker!!! drivers! So Yahy Napoli (Naples) actually ended up nearly being the end of all of us, I have never had so much adrenlin pumping through my veins while trying to think straight, avoid pot holes that would gobble you up never to be seen again, try not to loose the boys and not get hit by the traffic that came from every direction at 100miles an hour. Naples is the biggest shit hole I have ever seen, it was more 3rd world than any place I have ever been and I would have felt safer riding my bike without lights through bangkok in the darkness. We were all hit by cars, had wild viscious dogs chase us trying to bight our ankles, people abuse us and generally give Naples a really nice warm feel that makes you want to go back there for a holiday!!!!Not!!
So a few tips if you want to go there, firstly dont!!! if you do, take the train, dress up like a man and you may be left alone, and practise in front of the mirror how to say F&$% off in your most assertive way. So a few hours later 3 rather drained, wet and shaking cyclists finally arrived in Pompei where we found a caravan for 5€ and collapsed. Why do people choose to live in these overpopulated, crimeinfested ass ends of the world? Reminds me again of why I hate cities with passion.
Pompei to Bari has been alot of really nice riding, again really mountainious and some incredibly hard days, Temperatures have been great through the day but plummeted in the night especially when we gained altitude. Easy finding campsights along the way, and you can eat a hearty meal for 2€ no worries. Finally life is getting cheaper.
Am shocked at how dirty it is here, some towns stink of decay and rot, every seccond person has a limp and 3 eyes, have seen some very weird sights. There are piles of rubbish everywhere meters high, dodging squashed dogs among other rather larg road kill is normal and oh my god its grose when you accidently ride over one and get sprayed with guts!
Think I am finally having to give in about being able to freely travel as a lone female, I am pretty good at being a bitch and learning that F off is a very universally understood expression, if my mother heard the language come out of my mouth at times she would be horrified. But apart from the greasy disgusting hideous things that call themselves men here life is still great. Have in the past month had about 5 showers, have cycled well over 1000 kilometers and have seen some absolutely breathtaking sights and met some of the friendliest people.
Bikes have been a little bit of an issue, rather alot of punctures, 2 broken split wheel rims, broken brakes, Bottom Bracket, Cassette. Gives you a bit of an idea of the condition of the roads here.
Slept last night in the ferry terminal doorway, I am covered in bike grease from head to toe and I dont care, people stare at us anyway. Ferry leaves tonight for Greece, 16 hours, 29€ and well be fishing in the adriatic ocean for dinner tomorrow evening.
Thankyou everyone for the Bday greetings, emails and messages, is very motivating getting messages along the way. Thank you Timmay for the Helmet, it has been used alot!!!!
Dont know when ill be back on line??????????????
Photos not working here so sorry no updated pics at this stage.
Untill then